As we get into the Summer months (and soon our mid season break) - we chose "Break" as the theme of this episode 💥 - We like to suggest that folks can interpret this *optional* theme in any way they can think of—as a material, prop, plot point, character, vibe, etc⁠!⁠⁠⁠ 
Check out our Instagram (@animationwildcard) for features on all the contributing artists, and view full credits below:

0:11 Decomp
Director, Animator, Concept Designer: Luis Payán
Instagram: @7ui_pay
Studio: Cortos Cortos
Instagram: @cortos_cortos

0:46 Magical Cat
By: Threadwood
Instagram: @_Threadwood
TikTok: @threadwood

1:36 Shut-Eye
By: Little Beasts
Instagram: @little.beasts
TikTok: @little_beasts
YouTube: Little Beasts

2:12 SPOT
Director / Animator: Mark Patricio
Instagram: @mark_patricio_art

3:18 The Blue Mist Breaks the 4th Wall
Instagram/TikTok: @apartmentdfilms
Animator/Editor: Sean Malony 
Instagram: @seanchiridion
Character Design: Zoe Serbin
Twitter/Instagram: @zoeserbin
Voice Acting: Cami Kwan
Instagram/TikTok: @camikwan
Special Thanks: Warren Sheetz
Special Thanks: Maximilian Lopez
Instagram: @mxmln.machinist

3:44 Breakdance Banana
Made By: Cliff Creativity (Clifford Beddy)
Instagram/TikTok: @cliffcreativity
YouTube: Cliff Creativity

4:15 Lazy Noon in Claytasia
Created By: Mikael Trench
Instagram/TikTok: @triclops_animations
YouTube: TriClops Animations

Animation Wild Card Bumper
By: Cami Kwan & Apartment D Films
Instagram: @camikwan        
Instagram: @apartmentdfilms
Music By: Ellen Coons & Lee Young 
Instagram: @cartoonraccoon       
Instagram: @leemitchellyoung

Thank You!
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